Apathy is Not Good For You!

Don’t get into the trap…of Apathy!

Move from Apathy to Expectation!

“I don’t care!”

“Why should I bother?”

“Life sucks!”

The above statements are full of apathy…don’t get into this trap.

It may begin with sounding very cool to you but with gradual letting go of your involvement, soon you will reduce yourself to an inorganic state and by the time you realize this…life itself will go by!

Apathy is the slow poisoning of success or growth or progress. Prolonged apathy becomes an attitude which is destructive in nature.

Symptoms of apathy: lack of ambition, willingness to maintain the status-quo even when it is making you unhappy, acceptance of whatever life is offering you without making any effort to make a change, mental and physical laziness; lack of initiative, imagination, enthusiasm and self-control, and lastly the victim behavior to let others pull your strings!

How can one make the transition then?

Moving from the state of apathy to expectation would require courage!

Willingness to confront fear is courage. It means facing the criticism boldly, relying on yourself, being willing to accept and learn from the consequences of all your choices. It means believing enough in yourself and in living your life as you choose….it means daring, taking risks and pulling your own strings!

Look forward. Expect good. Expect big things to happen.

Life itself means motion. Keep moving!

Life is too short. Leave no stone unturned to achieve what you want.


Your Attitude can change your life!

Your Attitude will determine how you see this glass! Pic credit: Pixabay

Have you ever wondered what is that one key characteristic of successful people?

Their attitude!

Rather their positive and never give up attitude!

Often, we have seen very talented people not making it big in life. At the same time, we have also seen average people climbing heights of glory. Why?

Your attitude towards life decides everything. Be it your success, your well being or your relationship with others.  

So, what is this attitude all about?

The dictionary meaning of attitude is “the way that you think, feel or behave”.

As per psychology, an attitude is referred to a set of emotions, beliefs, and behaviours toward a particular object, person, thing, or event. Attitudes are often the result of our experience or upbringing, and they can have a powerful influence over our behaviour.

Attitude is how we judge/evaluate people, events, objects etc in our life. It can be extremely positive to extremely negative.

Our response (behaviour) is the result of our attitude.

How one builds up an attitude?

Mainly through our upbringing (influence of parents and family), values and beliefs, experience, learning, observation, social factors including our role in the society and the norms of the society.

Can one change his or her attitude?

Yes, of course! There are many ways to change your attitude tilting it towards more positive mindset like identifying your strength, being non-judgemental, expressing gratitude, positive affirmations, celebrating other’s success, focus on your wellbeing, keeping your thoughts positive and likewise.

Attitude is how you look at your life! Why not look at the brighter side of it?

And as the famous quote by Zig Ziglar sums it so well:

“Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.”
