Congratulations…You have become Manager!!

Don’t hold that placard! Pic Credit : Pixbay

The transition from being a team member into a manager is not always easy for an employee. How to fit into the new role? What qualities do the team member require to be a successful manager. Many organizations spend huge amount of time and money to study what makes a successful manager. And as the finding shows, below are some of the key traits that the managers should follow to become a successful manager: –

Don’t do micromanagement- Be more concerned about the end result rather than anything else.

Good communication skills- Communications is the key and that includes active LISTENING!

Need to have technical knowledge too- No more general management will do! You need to excel in the technical aspect of the domain that you are managing

Have vision for the team- As a manager you are responsible to take your team to the next level.

Show empathy towards team members- Be patient and understanding! Remember you are not working with robots but with humans who have emotions. Often our managers forget this very fundamental principal.

Ensure development and career advancement for the team members- Everyone looks for growth and development. Ensure, as a manager you discuss their career path in the organization.

And lastly, very important, you need to be the coach for your team. As a coach, you need to utilize their full potential, identify untapped potential, make time bound goals, give continuous feedback and ensure they are progressing.


Your Direction is more important than your Speed!

Am I moving in the right direction? Pic Credit: Pixbay

Moving slower in the right direction is far better than moving faster in the wrong direction!

Most productivity gurus insist on ‘how quick’ rather than on ‘how efficient’. A slight tilt in the wrong direction will have drastic results over the period of time.

Many of us believe that being busy is being productive which is absolutely wrong in the first place. Being busy with a purpose and a goal in mind is actually what it should be to achieve success.

Have you heard of the herd mentality? It is when everyone follows what someone else is doing! Whether it suits them or not, whether it will do any good to them or not, or least, whether it is required for them, people blindly copy because everyone seems to be doing or following the same. Do you believe this will give them beneficial results? Absolutely NOT!

Always, try to find your own path. Carve your unique niche. Take your time to build that pace, but be consistent in your efforts. Don’t just rush without applying your mind. Small gains each day will have a compounding effect over a period of time. So, ensure that you are progressing in the right direction and that your progress is steady.

“Don’t confuse motion with progress. A lot of people are just like spinning in circles really, really fast. They’re not going anywhere.” — Polina Marinova


Your Attitude can change your life!

Your Attitude will determine how you see this glass! Pic credit: Pixabay

Have you ever wondered what is that one key characteristic of successful people?

Their attitude!

Rather their positive and never give up attitude!

Often, we have seen very talented people not making it big in life. At the same time, we have also seen average people climbing heights of glory. Why?

Your attitude towards life decides everything. Be it your success, your well being or your relationship with others.  

So, what is this attitude all about?

The dictionary meaning of attitude is “the way that you think, feel or behave”.

As per psychology, an attitude is referred to a set of emotions, beliefs, and behaviours toward a particular object, person, thing, or event. Attitudes are often the result of our experience or upbringing, and they can have a powerful influence over our behaviour.

Attitude is how we judge/evaluate people, events, objects etc in our life. It can be extremely positive to extremely negative.

Our response (behaviour) is the result of our attitude.

How one builds up an attitude?

Mainly through our upbringing (influence of parents and family), values and beliefs, experience, learning, observation, social factors including our role in the society and the norms of the society.

Can one change his or her attitude?

Yes, of course! There are many ways to change your attitude tilting it towards more positive mindset like identifying your strength, being non-judgemental, expressing gratitude, positive affirmations, celebrating other’s success, focus on your wellbeing, keeping your thoughts positive and likewise.

Attitude is how you look at your life! Why not look at the brighter side of it?

And as the famous quote by Zig Ziglar sums it so well:

“Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.”


If I can give you only one tip to improve your life, what would it be?

Positive thoughts create positive results! Pic credit: Google

If I am to give you only one tip to improve your life then it would be- Be Positive always!

Whatever be the adversity, always have a positive frame of mind. Always think that good will happen…soon! Hope for the good and be prepared for the worst. This is the ideal way to lead our lives. Remember, over thinking on any situation will not lead to a solution rather it will kill you slowly. It’s like over eating…not going to help you. So, always be optimistic. And believe me, when you start thinking positively, positive things start happening to you.

It’s the most fundamental law of the universe- Law of attraction! Have positive thoughts and you will attract positivity from the universe.

Life is full of challenges…every single day. You need to be mentally strong and positive to fight out those challenges. There would be tough times time and again, and again you need to be positive to face the tough times boldly.

So, always be positive howsoever bad the situation might be and you will see that it’s not that difficult to lead a happy and peaceful life!


Peace of mind is very important in life!

A calm and relaxed mind helps you to take the right decisions

Peace of mind is very important in life!

How can we achieve it?

Meditation, deep breathing exercises, money, power, health, relationships…

What contributes to the peace of mind?

Duke University did a study on “peace of mind.” Factors found to contribute greatly to emotional and mental stability are:

1.    The absence of suspicion and resentment. – Nursing a grudge was a major factor in unhappiness.

2.    Not living in the past. – An unwholesome preoccupation with old mistakes and failures leads to depression.

3.    Not wasting time and energy fighting conditions you cannot change.- Cooperate with life, instead of trying to run away from it.

4.    Force yourself to stay involved with the living world. – Resist the temptation to withdraw and become reclusive during periods of emotional stress.

5.    Refuse to indulge in self-pity when life hands you a raw deal. – Accept the fact that nobody gets through life without some sorrow and misfortune.

 6.  Cultivate the old-fashioned virtues—love, humour, compassion and loyalty.

 7.   Do not expect too much of yourself. – When there is too wide a gap between self-expectation and your ability to meet the goals, you have set, feelings of inadequacy are inevitable.

   8.  Find something bigger than yourself to believe in.-Self-cantered egotistical people score lowest on any test for measuring happiness.


Adversity Makes You Stronger!

When you are going through the challenges in your life, it is seldom that one may think of them as opportunities to grow and become a stronger person. But research has shown that past adversities are helpful in making you strong to face future challenges in a better way. Your past struggles make you more resilient- your ability to bounce back from adversity and grow from the challenge.

While dealing with your adversity you come out as more empathic, confident, more positive (optimistic), losing fear for the struggles/challenges and take them head on…so on and so forth.

Researchers have found the following growth-oriented factors as reported by the people who have gone through some difficulties or adversities in their life:

  • Increased appreciation for life
  • More meaningful relationships
  • Increased personal strength
  • Finding new ways for growth
  • Becoming more spiritually inclined

So, as you go through whatever adversities in your life at any point of time, just think of it as an opportunity to become stronger, more resilient and moving towards a better tommorrow!

Stay strong and stay healthy!
