Do your troubles have positive values?
I believe our troubles do have a positive value.
They act as a stimulus and ignite productive thinking and positive action. They are educative and introduces us to the real world. In fact, troubles introduce a man to himself! They result in series of reactions which produces a cheerful glow of spirit. They act as tonic for the mind!
The success or failure in realizing an aim or objective is purely determined by one’s faith or lack of it. It’s the faith that acts as fuel and provide guts to achieve the goal. In the battlefield of life, you need to have loads of it…FAITH! It helps you to keep going when the going gets tough and is the great secret of never getting defeated during the multifold changes happening in the game called LIFE.
An action oriented positive attitude along with a faith that is rock solid makes all the difference- between success and failure!
Remember, your troubles are like teachers who will never stop teaching, so it’s better for you to never stop learning.