The following are the things that I realized very late in life and wish I could have known them earlier in my life: –
- Never stop learning: – Once you have completed your formal education and got into your first job, most of us say goodbye to the education. This is not correct. The education should continue side by side till your last day of life! Keep updating yourself. Learn something new always.
- Be more Granular: – Avoid superficiality. Get into more details. This implies to every aspect of your life especially to your work/expertise. Remember, the more knowledgeable you are the more valuable you become to others.
- Keep the time frame of your life in mind: – We have limited time in our life but we all live as if we would be living till eternity! So, ensure you achieve your goals in proper time frame. If you are not happy in your life then find out the reasons and fix the problem then and there. Don’t just wait that a miracle would happen some fine day and then you will have happiness. Time is precious!
- Nurture your relationships: – This is very important. Often when young we give a damn to this. But we need people all the time – both in our personal life and in our professional life.
- Taking care of your Parents in real sense: – They have less time. Do whatever you ever wanted to do for them. Do it now. Don’t wait for a suitable time. They will seldom ask for what they want. You have to understand them and provide them.
- Be mindful of what and how you speak: – Nothing to add here 🙂