The above statements are full of apathy…don’t get into this trap.
It may begin with sounding very cool to you but with gradual letting go of your involvement, soon you will reduce yourself to an inorganic state and by the time you realize this…life itself will go by!
Apathy is the slow poisoning of success or growth or progress. Prolonged apathy becomes an attitude which is destructive in nature.
Symptoms of apathy: lack of ambition, willingness to maintain the status-quo even when it is making you unhappy, acceptance of whatever life is offering you without making any effort to make a change, mental and physical laziness; lack of initiative, imagination, enthusiasm and self-control, and lastly the victim behavior to let others pull your strings!
How can one make the transition then?
Moving from the state of apathy to expectation would require courage!
Willingness to confront fear is courage. It means facing the criticism boldly, relying on yourself, being willing to accept and learn from the consequences of all your choices. It means believing enough in yourself and in living your life as you choose….it means daring, taking risks and pulling your own strings!
Do you believe in regular stock taking of your life?
I believe most of us do. It’s better to do it as it helps us in ensuring that we are moving in the right direction and if any course correction is required.
And one needs to be absolutely honest with oneself while doing this self-analysis as you are both – the appraisee and the appraiser!
When you feel dis-satisfied with the status quo, it leads you to improvements and then puts you on the path of progress. You prepare yourself for the challenges and are ready to face the hard knocks and take them head-on undeterred with the focus on the ball and the goal before you. The game is never lost till won!
Every situation howsoever grim has its hopeful side. So, don’t feel bogged down. Always see some good purpose in every situation of your life. Come out of your fearful thoughts and fearful expectations. A fearful mind restricts you from operating from strength.
‘I’ll fail!’,” How will I look?”, “What will others think?”, “Am I good enough?’…these thoughts are creations of your mind and are far from reality! Soon you will realize many of the fearful thoughts that you carried through your life actually never happened!
Constructive discontent is good as it is the first necessity of progress!!
You need to Declutter your life! Pic credit: Pixabay
The best way to improve your life is to Declutter yourself.
First and foremost, declutter the people who are harming you in anyway directly or indirectly. Do a review of the relationships around you. Are their people who just look down upon you, demotivate you, always criticize you. Are they source of your unhappiness? Cut them out of your life immediately. Don’t ever waste a single minute on them trying to prove them wrong or trying to please them. They will never change.
De-clutter the things you don’t require or to say…become less materialistic. Try to make it simple and useful rather than becoming ‘more and meaningless.’ Remember ‘Less is more’ in the present time. You will see that you are managing things very well and very efficiently.
Declutter negative and useless thoughts. Life is short and beautiful. Let it be full of meaningful and positive thoughts. Let go off the past.
Declutter negative emotions- Anger, Hate and Jealously, these are the three self-destructive emotions that will only harm you and will take away your peace. Why bother? Live your life and be happy!
Our mind is a powerful tool given to us by god, use it constructively to control the environment around you and not just let the environment control you and your thoughts.
It’s not an easy task! When you are doing something routine day in and day out, it gets mundane after some point of time and you lose interest. So, how do we keep ourselves motivated in doing the daily routine work? Some tips for you:-
Try exploring something new every time you perform the routine task. If you look around you will definitely find something innovative to implement or workaround. Even some basic restructuring will help you to retain novelty in your daily routine; like rescheduling the time, breaking the job into multiple sessions, if possible involve others or just review if what you are doing is the easiest way of doing that thing!
Can you be more creative? Creativity will add enthusiasm and also motivation. Creativity is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. Creativity is characterized by the ability to perceive your daily work in new ways, to find hidden patterns, to make connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena, and to generate solutions.
Find out means and ways to improve the way you are performing the routine task. How you do that? See what are the time-consuming activities in your daily schedule and if there is a scope of reducing the time factor to complete the tasks. Also, how much efforts you are putting and if improvements can be incorporated to reduce the efforts as well. This should be an ongoing and continuous process. Find out opportunities if you can do multitasking and are comfortable doing the same. You need to be critical about yourself and need to challenge your status quo every now and then, then only you will be able to implement improvements.
Interlink your daily routine with some other activities of your interest. This is important. Like listening to your favourite music while doing household work or listening to some good podcast while traveling to/from work or reading something useful while traveling to/from work.
Share your little achievements with family and friends. We all look for encouragement and appreciation. Ensure you celebrate your every little success and achievement with your family and friends. This will keep your motivation level high and would make you want to achieve more. Also, it will create a sense of self-worth. This way you will enjoy your routine work!
Bring in new ideas into your daily work. Use technology where ever you can. This is different from ‘make improvements’. New ideas would mean- what new you can add or what can be removed from your routine work so that your routine work is more meaningful and productive. De-clutter your daily work routine with all that is unnecessary. Use technology to your advantage and not to your distraction.
Take timely breaks. Breaks help us to rejuvenate ourselves and to charge up our energy levels. It also relaxes us from stress.
Pursue your hobbies while performing your daily routine work. Always pursue at least one hobby that you enjoy doing. So, ensure that you engage yourself on a regular basis with this hobby as it will take your mind off from your daily work routine and would make you more cheerful and active.
Keep smiling, crack jokes and have a hearty laugh whenever possible! Do I need to add anything here! Yes, this is a simple activity but many of us rarely do it! Life is a gift, you have to steal moments from its grueling pressures and struggles to make yourself happy. Laugh whenever you can and laugh heartily. Become silly for some time during the day and enjoy the fun that you will create around yourself! Be childlike…they are the best teachers to teach you how to laugh and have fun without needing any reason!