Many procrastinate the issues, some blame others, few blame it on the circumstances and the rest face the problems fearlessly not evading them. They take the bull by the horns!
Problems need to be dealt with. We can not escape this fact. Trying to avoid a problem is not the right attitude. In fact, we should tackle the problem without delay. Putting off an easy problem makes it hard and putting off a hard problem makes it impossible! Procrastination wastes lots of our time without achieving anything.
You need to fight your own battle and, in the process, chart out your own destiny. At the end of the day, you and you alone can provide that vital thrust and bring that energy and determination to solve your problems.
On a lighter note; Never tell your problems to others. 20% don’t care and the rest 80% are glad you have them!
The above statements are full of apathy…don’t get into this trap.
It may begin with sounding very cool to you but with gradual letting go of your involvement, soon you will reduce yourself to an inorganic state and by the time you realize this…life itself will go by!
Apathy is the slow poisoning of success or growth or progress. Prolonged apathy becomes an attitude which is destructive in nature.
Symptoms of apathy: lack of ambition, willingness to maintain the status-quo even when it is making you unhappy, acceptance of whatever life is offering you without making any effort to make a change, mental and physical laziness; lack of initiative, imagination, enthusiasm and self-control, and lastly the victim behavior to let others pull your strings!
How can one make the transition then?
Moving from the state of apathy to expectation would require courage!
Willingness to confront fear is courage. It means facing the criticism boldly, relying on yourself, being willing to accept and learn from the consequences of all your choices. It means believing enough in yourself and in living your life as you choose….it means daring, taking risks and pulling your own strings!
Do you believe in regular stock taking of your life?
I believe most of us do. It’s better to do it as it helps us in ensuring that we are moving in the right direction and if any course correction is required.
And one needs to be absolutely honest with oneself while doing this self-analysis as you are both – the appraisee and the appraiser!
When you feel dis-satisfied with the status quo, it leads you to improvements and then puts you on the path of progress. You prepare yourself for the challenges and are ready to face the hard knocks and take them head-on undeterred with the focus on the ball and the goal before you. The game is never lost till won!
Every situation howsoever grim has its hopeful side. So, don’t feel bogged down. Always see some good purpose in every situation of your life. Come out of your fearful thoughts and fearful expectations. A fearful mind restricts you from operating from strength.
‘I’ll fail!’,” How will I look?”, “What will others think?”, “Am I good enough?’…these thoughts are creations of your mind and are far from reality! Soon you will realize many of the fearful thoughts that you carried through your life actually never happened!
Constructive discontent is good as it is the first necessity of progress!!
Life can be beautiful…give it a try! Pic Credit : Pixabay
A child fears nothing while trying something new…and enjoys the whole process and the outcome. An adult thinks ten times before attempting something new….and lives with constant fear throughout the process. Always have a child like attitude!
Two things that makes you RICH are good health and peace of mind. No matter what all you accumulate throughout your life, if you are not healthy enough to enjoy it or if it does not give you any peace, you remain POOR.
Life is like that; when you thought all is set and nothing can go wrong now…you get hit the hardest! Similarly, when you thought all is finished and see no hope…blessings happen and you hit a fortune!
When things are going on well, we all perform well. It’s only in crisis that our real potential is tested… as to how well we can perform in the adversity. Be the real performer!
We get engaged in our daily fire fighting mode, busy making stop gap arrangements, putting stuff under the carpet… and life goes on. Take a break! Think about the person you want to be and put your efforts in that direction.
Does this thought often bother you? Are you the one who spends a lot of time thinking on “What if….” before starting anything new? Do you often think of the negative aspects even if there are no valid reasons to do so?
You will notice that all your ‘What if…” have one common element- the fear factor!
The ‘fear of the unknown’.
What is Fear of Unknown?
Most of this fear is based out of your assumptions and not on facts. You need to make yourself free from this ‘unknown fear’. Unless and until you do that, it will be difficult for you to accomplish anything important in your life- both at personal and at professional level.
How does one achieve that state of mind? I will share something from my own life. I too had many fears in my mind as I was growing up. Moving from adolescence state to a young man and then to crossing my midlife, I was continuously faced with so many fears that many times I wondered if at all will I be leading a free and happy life devoid of all my fears? Then as I gained experience in life, I slowly started taking risks; risks of giving an attempt to all the things/activities that I had some kind of fear attached to. And I was pleasantly surprised to find that most of the fears that I associated with these things/activities were mere fears only!
In practical life, they (the fears) just don’t exist!
What is the solution?
Here is the Key; to begin with, attempt very small or not very significant fears of yours and keep repeating the action (your attempt) accumulating the small victories. After a point, you will have the confidence and the mental strength to attack your bigger fears. And slowly you will achieve bigger victories. You will be ready to take calculated risks in your life and will make significant progress.
And you know what? The biggest lesson for me in all this was:
People give a damn about you!
So, the biggest worry that we have in our mind ‘what will people say’ is so irrelevant and exasperating.
And remember: On the other side of your FEAR…. lies your SUCCESS!