Pearls of Wisdom-3

A cactus plant
Thorns(Problems) are part of our life…see the beauty in them!

When the time will come to leave, you will have only memories and regrets to take along with you. Ensure your everyday is filled with good memories and no regrets.

Life does give second chance. WRONG! Life gives many chances; only you need to keep your eyes and ears open to identify and explore the opportunities around.

Life doesn’t offer you trials or practice matches to make you ready for the actual event. You need to be prepared all the time to face anything in life.

There is nothing like good time or bad time. Time has been the same as it is now for billions of years. It is we who need to grow and change ourselves to create a better time for us.

We worry too much about the outcome or the chances of Failure. In the process we give up the opportunity to try. When you try, you create chances of Success but when you don’t try, you have already failed.

Q- What you are destined to become? A- What you intend to become. So,the destiny doesn’t make you. You make your destiny!

When you only focus on problems, you will have more problems. When you focus on solutions and possibilities, you will have more opportunities. Don’t decorate your problem; you may not want to get rid of it.


Thoughts by Anirvan Chakravarty

Pearls of Wisdom-1

Tow young kids sitting on the promenade at the sea.
That BIG ship will be mine one day!

A child fears nothing while trying something new…and enjoys the whole process and the outcome. An adult thinks ten times before attempting something new….and lives with constant fear throughout the process. Have a child’s attitude always!

Life is like that; when you thought all is set and nothing can go wrong now…you get hit the hardest! Similarly, when you thought all is finished and nothing can be done now…blessings happen and you hit a fortune!

Two things that make you RICH are good health and peace of mind. No matter what all you accumulate throughout your life, if you are not healthy enough to enjoy it or if it does not provide you any peace, you remain POOR.

Palm full of coins.
Too much!….too less!

When things are going on well, we all perform well. It’s only in crisis that our real potential is tested… as to how well we can perform in the adversity. Be the real performer!

We get engaged in our daily fire fighting mode, busy making stop gap arrangements, putting stuff under the carpet… and life goes on. Take a break! Think about the person you want to be and put your efforts in that direction.

Eleven Inspiring Quotes by RUMI

A Woman standing near sea shore with waves touching her feet

Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.

Start a huge, foolish project, like Noah…it makes absolutely no difference what people think of you.

These pains you feel are messengers. Listen to them.

I want to sing like the birds sing, not worrying about who hears or what they think.

Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment. Cleverness is mere opinion. Bewilderment brings intuitive knowledge.

It’s your road, and yours alone, others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.

You were born with wings. Why prefer to crawl through life?

Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.

Peaceful is the one who’s not concerned with having more or less. Unbound by name and fame, he is free from sorrow from the world and mostly from himself.

Don’t make yourself miserable with what is to come or not to come.

Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.

About RUMI: Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi was a 13th century Persian poet, an Islamic dervish and a Sufi mystic. He is regarded as one of the greatest spiritual masters and poetical intellects. Born in 1207 AD, he belonged to a family of learned theologians. He made use of everyday life’s circumstances to describe the spiritual world. Rumi’s poems have acquired immense popularity, especially among the Persian speakers of Afghanistan, Iran and Tajikistan. Numerous poems written by the great poet have been translated to different languages.

Read more about RUMI here.
