Life is Short…Live it Now!

Man standing in front of dawn sun with arms stretched as if to embrace life!

I was lying in the hospital bed. I just heard the doctor whisper to my wife ‘In the next 24 to 36 hrs.…nothing can be done now. It’s over!’ I raised my eyes and saw the expressionless face of my wife and son. Gosh! I am to die in the next 24 to 36 hrs. Isn’t it too early for me? Why so soon? My God! So many things I have to do which are still incomplete or not touched at all. I need at least some more time…God, what are you doing to me? Why are you doing this? I was talking to myself with tears rolling down both my cheeks. I’ll be leaving this planet in the next few hours…will not be able to see my wife and son and my dear friends again…ah! It’s so painful! I felt sad, very sad. It was not the fear of death but the sadness that engulfed me because so many of my wishes were still unfulfilled. Suddenly, I hear a loud sound of the divine conch blowing in my ears. Oh God!, the Yamraj (the God of death as per Hindu mythology) has already arrived! Has he come too early? The doctor has given me 24 to 36 hrs…why has he come now? I hear the loud sound of the divine conch again in my ears and this time I get up on my bed. Sweating on my forehead I look around and see my wife sleeping peacefully next to me. I further look around and find out that I am in my bedroom. Oh, what a frightening dream! But it leads to a thought process in my mind…

These days it is raining heavily in Mumbai restricting people to venture out. Unless one has to go to the office or for other important work, people prefer to remain inside their cozy home just lazing around. As I sat at my study table looking outside the window, I could see rain showering down with full intensity. Mumbai has witnessed a good rainy season this year. Enjoying the rains from my room, I decide to get some hot coffee for myself. Once back at my table with the coffee mug, I pulled out my journal from the bookshelf. I keep this journal to record my thoughts and ideas and visit it periodically. Sipping my coffee I turn over the pages and see my long term life goals page. I see a lot of scribbles on this page where the goals had been modified, added and ticked off which were achieved. One thing appears very apparent on this page; my top two goals are still intact i.e. not achieved so far. These two were my biggest and all-time life goals set with high priority when I had jotted them down a long time ago. Years have passed but they still remain unachieved. I did achieve other goals to a great extent along with adding new ones but my top two goals remain intact. No action taken till now. Why? Because these two are my big life goals and I am just waiting to finish some of my other goals before I find the right time and other means to work on these two top goals. How foolish I have been! I should have been working on these two goals from the beginning which were my life goals so that by now a good amount of progress could have been made by me. But I was waiting all this while to finish some other things before I could start working on these goals. Did I waste my precious time? Is there enough time left to achieve these two goals which are my life goals?

Actually, these two un-complete ones are not goals; they are/were my dreams. These were the dreams that I had woven while growing up. And somehow they just remain a dream for me till now. Why? Because I have taken it for granted that I am here on this planet for eternity and will work on these later! How stupid!

Actually, we take it for granted that we have unlimited time at our disposal and we will take action on our dreams some fine day when the right time comes. That time will never arrive! And neither do we have unlimited time. Rather we have very limited time. In fact, we are not even sure how much time?! It can be just a tomorrow or maybe just the next moment! Who knows?

If you are still in slumber then please wake up! Get up and take stock of your goals and dreams. Block your time for the next two/five/ten years against all the unfinished tasks that you have listed as your life goals or dreams. Make them happen NOW. Don’t procrastinate. This is the time and the only time you have. If you don’t do it now you will never be able to do it again. Remember, time flies like an Arrow, you will never know when it flies away.

I have started work on my long time pending goals now and I am slowly inching towards achieving them. Yes, I have given myself a deadline too…

Life is like that. That one fine day never comes. One has to make it happen. Slow and steady progress need to be made each day so as to have the compounding effect later on. It’s like one cannot live unhappily day in and day out hoping that one fine day some magic will happen and then he or she will become happy. No, it will never happen that way. You have to work for it to make it happen. And I would suggest, please make it happen right now. As I said earlier, we all have limited time at our disposal.

Do you know what renowned author Paulo Coelho has said in this context? He quotes “One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time left to do the things you’ve always wanted to do. Do it now.” How true!

So, if you want to learn a musical instrument, get into any sports, learn singing, open a restaurant or a coffee shop, visit a particular place of interest, enroll in the course of your interest, write that long-pending novel or book …please do it NOW. Work hard and leave no stone unturned until you achieve your dream. And always remember, no defeat is final until you stop trying!

I have almost finished my coffee now. I look out of the window and see that the rains have stopped for time being. But still, it is wet and misty all around. I decide to go for a quick walk down the road and come back to work on my pending goals. Yes, I have limited time and I need to achieve my goals soon. You too work on your dreams and ensure that you achieve them sooner!


15 Powerful Life Changing Quotes By Paulo Coelho

Donuts with chocolates and muffins indicating dreams and success.

“At a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what’s happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate. That’s the world’s greatest lie.”

“One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now.”

“Life has a way of testing a person’s will, either by letting nothing happen at all or by letting everything happen at once.”

“The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.”

“Do something instead of killing time because time is killing you.”

“Sometimes, we are so attached to our way of life that we turn down wonderful opportunities simply because we don’t know what to do with it.”

“When you find your path, you must not be afraid. You need to have sufficient courage to make mistakes. Disappointment, defeat, and despair are the tools God uses to show us the way.”

“Close some doors today, Not because of pride, incapacity or arrogance, but simply because they lead you nowhere.”

“It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.”

“Don’t explain. Your friends do not need it, and your enemies will not believe you.” 

“If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.”

“People are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of.”

“Life really is generous to those who pursue their destiny.” 

“Our true friends are those who are with us when the good things happen. They cheer us on and are pleased by our triumphs. False friends only appear at difficult times, with their sad, supportive faces, when, in fact, our suffering is serving to console them for their miserable lives.”

“When I had nothing more to lose, I was given everything. When I ceased to be who I am, I found myself. When I experienced humiliation and yet kept on walking, I understood that I was free to choose my destiny.”

Note : All quotes are by author Paulo Coelho

In Search of Myself…

Wooden bridge across the river

When I was a child, in the school

I never wondered who I was

I was a carefree soul…

Study and play that was all what I did

Never bothered as to who I was…

A good or a bad boy, a dumb or an intelligent student,

I was who I was and never bothered about how or what I was

But as I grew older, in college

I started wondering, who I am

What I will be in life, if I am good…

A good student?, a good son?, a good friend?

I was bothered…bothered about everything

What I studied in college, it was not what I wanted to

But I had no choice, I had to…

You need to be a graduate to be eligible for any job, I was told

And I graduated and still remained unsure of myself…

Who I was, what is my place in this world..

I had dreams; I had the fire…to conquer the world…to show them what I am capable of

But actually, I never knew what I was capable of…

But I was sure, I never wanted to become like a common man

I thought I was different…and I was different, I believed

I was different but doing the same odd things that everyone else was doing around me

But still I believed I was different and never wanted to become like the common man…

Doing the same odd things led into a job, only to make my parents happy

It was an achievement then…to get a good job, ‘good’ directly related to the salary

Could not figure out what was the good in the job…but continued doing it for years,

And still believing I was different and I will show it to the world….I continued with my job

I made some money, bought a house and a big car;

And continued doing the same things as what everyone was doing

Over the years I became more as a Manager, Vice President, Director…

My friends and colleagues too, had more or less similar or even better adjectives

And then suddenly after all these years I realised I was no different from others…

And that I could not show anything different to this world…

And now, there was even no fire left within…

In fact the fire died long-long ago…and I was never ever aware of the fact

And I had only this much to show the world

These few adjectives beside my name…

This is what I could show to this world…in all these years, only this much! What a pity!

And now I ask myself; Are you The Manager or The Vice President or The Director?

No, I am not…I am none of all these, I tell this to myself

 I am none, I repeat again to myself

I am a free soul, I am the master of my own life, I slowly whisper to myself

I want to write my own destiny…even at this stage of my life, I want to write

And whether it makes me or breaks me completely, I care none

But I want to be the writer of my life’s drama, my life’s karma

And no one should dictate me my terms

And No, I don’t want to be anyone else…

And neither wants to carry the heavy burden of those phoney adjectives…

I am the wanderlust, the painter, the writer…an artist

Let me see this world as the wanderlust, as a painter, as a writer…as an artist

I take this small step forward…to see the world, in search of myself…

Note : Written in autumn of 2012

Life Quotes : 1

Life is not about finding yourself; Life is about creating yourself.

When life leads you to a difficult path; it is to take you to a beautiful destination.

It’s a funny thing about LIFE; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, very often you get it!

Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.

Life is a box of chocolates. you never know what you are going to get.

Life is like riding a bicycle. if you stop, you fall. So just keep moving.

I believe the primary purpose of life should be to be happy. if you achieve all other things and still be unhappy, that life is not worth living.

Note: Compiled from various authors.

5 Daily Habits To Improve Your Life

Do you feel a sense of guilt or remorse when you go to bed in the night or when you wake up in the morning? Do you often feel that life is not going the way as how you would have wanted it to be? Well, if the answer is Yes, then what are you doing about it? How are you going to change this situation? Whatever be the situation or circumstances, some basic daily habits if followed religiously can help us to lead a meaningful life. It will help you to lead a beautiful life where you will have inner peace, a sense of belonging, growth for your self and a sense of joy. Remember what you do on a daily basis greatly impacts your life in the long run. The following daily habits will surely help you in leading a better life:-

  1. Sleep early/Get up early:This can be of immense benefit to you. When you get up early, you have couple of un-interrupted hours for yourself. Use it to your benefit. Read, write, exercise, and meditate…whatever that will help you in your life. Just remember- use your mind to create the environment and not let the environment dictate terms to your mind. For example,  getting up early in the morning and the first thing you do is to reach out for your smart phone and then just waste your time going through endless notifications, posts and updates …No, not a good habit! It is a real waste of time!
Early to bed and early to rise Pic Credit: Google

The morning time is very precious. How you utilize your morning hours will define how you would be spending your entire day. And remember, how you spend your each day would ultimately define your destiny!

Robin Sharma, the motivational speaker and the mentor to world famous billionaires has worked hard for four years to write the book – 5 AM Club! In the book he emphasis the benefits of getting up daily at 5 am and how to utilize the morning one hour to improve your life drastically

Getting up early would be possible only if you sleep early!…yes, that’s true. Ninety present of people spend their time watching TV late in the night. This is absolutely hazardous not only to your health but to your overall wellbeing. Another important thing- to sleep early, you must have your dinner early. There should be a gap of around two hours between your intake of dinner and going to bed. Post dinner you should engage in some sort of light movements of your body so that whatever you have eaten is digested properly.

So, the bottom line here is – you need to form healthy habits that would improve your life drastically in the long run. And believe me, once you start a routine and follow it daily for around two months – it will become a habit. Subsequently, you will find it easy to perform those habits. 

2. Have a To Do list Ready Prior NightSpend some time before you hit the bed about your schedule for the next day. Think about the activities or the tasks that you would be doing. Better, write it down in your note book or in your diary. Set priority to the tasks. This way, you would be very clear as to what all things needs to be accomplished the next day resulting your day to be highly productive and also saving you on your precious time. Your daily plan would help you to set your short term and long term goals. Once you start achieving your daily goals then soon you will start achieving your short term goals as well. Achieving your short term goals would automatically yield in achieving your long term goals in future.

The crux of the matter is that your day should be productive enough to have a cumulative positive impact on your future.

Things to remember- Just making a To-do list is not enough but completing the listed tasks is more important! And to achieve this, you need to ensure that you have a focused mind and a positive environment around you.

3. Have your Meals on Time- This is very important. Ensure that you are having timely and healthy breakfast/lunch/dinner. Whatever be the circumstances and how so ever you are busy and engaged- still try to have your meals on time. If you want you can do it…all the time!

Have timely meals with Family Pic Credit: Google

One of the key ingredients to a better life is staying fit and maintaining a healthy life style. Often this salutary knowledge comes to one self very late in life! But sooner the better! Physical activity along with good (read it as simple) diet is a must for a healthy and a happy life. There is a vast amount of information available on the internet on what to eat and when to eat etc. Make yourself aware as much as possible and then decide on your diet. Remember, the more informed you are the better decisions you will make. My suggestion would be to take more of homemade food rather than going for packaged foods. More raw fruits intake rather than processed fruit juice. These are very basic and simple eating habits that our parents and grandparents followed. And you can surely vouch what excellent health they had even in their old age!

4. Spend Quality Time with Family As a habit; ensure that you spend couple of hours daily with your wife/kids/parents. Be just a family person during this time (forget about your big designations or how big a business tycoon you are…!). When you are with your spouse, just be a husband or a wife! Nothing more! Don’t treat your spouse like an employee of your organisation or one of your team members. And especially for the Husbands- never try to win over an argument with your wife…just accept that her wisdom is much more than yours (no pun intended!). Similarly, when you are with your kids, just be like a father or a mother. Don’t try to impose your maturity and the righteous of things on the poor kids. Enjoy the time with your children and ensure they also have a good time with you. Remember that you don’t distract yourself with TV or your smart phone while playing/interacting with your kid. The child will not like this. For grown up kids, try to have meaningful conversation with them trying to know what is happening in their world. Ensure that they are comfortable interacting with you. And lastly, don’t be harsh to your old parents. Along with love and care, they expect kindness and respect. Do make them feel important by listening to their views and opinion.

If you are staying alone or are single/bachelor, ensure you spend quality time at home where you can enjoy and relax by listening to music, reading, cooking or simply just laze around. Always remember that you might be alone but don’t make yourself feel lonely!

5. Be Honest- Lastly, ensure that you are neat, clean and honest in your thoughts and in your daily life. Be honest. Honest to yourself and honest to the others. Whatever be the situation or circumstances, never lose your honesty and integrity. Always hold your head high and be proud of your achievements- big and small, personal and professional. At the same time accept your failures with grace. Remember the greatest courage is to bear defeat without losing heart. Give yourself a chance to rectify your mistakes. You deserve a pardon from yourself. When faced with failure, feel the pain and then get up again with more vigour and enthusiasm to pursue your goals. And this cycle should keep on repeating till your last breath as you are in a journey- a journey leading to your freedom. Freedom from everything and….everybody!

I am sure if you imply these habits in your daily life and follow it religiously on a daily basis, you will definitely see the compounding effect within a short span of time. Do share your feedback and let me know if you found this helpful.


How To Become Mentally Strong in 180 days!

                                                                  Mentally Strong?                                Pic Credit : Google

We have often seen in our daily life, in our home and at work place, how some people doing so many things single handed but always wear a smile on their face. We have seen them taking all the pressure or stress and still delivering the results in a timely manner .Despite all obstacles and issues (personal and professional) they never fail us in their behaviour and delivery. They portray a calm and restricted response in all adverse situations. Often we hear people say ‘Oh, how efficient they are!’ or ‘My god! They are really mentally strong!’

So, did you ever wonder what does it mean to be a mentally strong person? Did it ever cross your mind that, is being mentally strong an inborn quality or if it is a skill that can be acquired? Do you find yourself mentally strong enough?

Firstly, you need to know that you cannot become mentally strong overnight. It needs time and patience. A mentally strong person would be someone who can take pressure, both at work and at home, that is devoid of any anger, panic or any unnatural form of behaviour. A mentally strong person remains calm under pressure while performing his obligations in an compromised manner. He or she deliver results,takes criticism on face without getting hyper, mostly responding to the difficult situations rather than reacting to it, maintains his or her cool in all kind of adversity and finally have the guts to bear the pain without complaining. Yes, these are the attributes of a mentally strong person.

How can you attain these attributes? Well, you need to have the following attributes in your character to help you become mentally strong:-

Self Confidence   

Cultivate a sense of self confidence. Develop self-confidence over a period of time by working out independently, achieving small goals and small success. Reach out for help only when it is critical or if there is an emergency. Be very hands on with whatever you do. Have faith in yourself. Remember knowledge is power so acquire as much knowledge as you can by reading books on various topics. Gain experience in different environment and with different people. Getting exposure is really important. Remember, the dictionary meaning of self-confidence is ‘a feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgement’.

Another way of developing self-confidence is to learn from your failures. Instead of losing heart and sulking over your failures, do a stock taking of the events and move ahead. There will be many more opportunities to prove yourself but just ensure you are not repeating your mistakes. This way you will gain confidence in yourself and in your abilities.

‘The way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear and get a record of successful experiences behind you.’ — William Jennings Bryan

Facing Criticism

One of the toughest things in the process of becoming Mentally Strong is to learn how to face the criticism. There would be plenty of occasions when you will be criticized- un-necessarily. You have to learn to face the flak without reacting. And this is a big challenge! You need to understand that this is basic human nature- to criticize. And many a times, most of the criticism would be from the near and dear ones. The people whom you think you are close to. The best way to deal with it is – just don’t get too much bogged down with it. Just listen and filter out the trash- the small talks of small people! Keep in mind one thing- never inflate your ego when showered with praise and similarly never get bogged down when pelted with criticism. You should ensure that your character remains constant in all circumstances. You basic character should not change with time or situation.

Along with unwanted criticism, you may also have to face with insults and humiliation. In all situations, hold your head high and maintain your self-respect. There may be occasions, especially when dealing with close family members or during a critical job/business related situation, where you have to swallow your pride. Never mind! No one can take away your pride from you… you have earned it and it will always remain with you. Sometimes, when the winds blow very hard during storm, the gentle trees have to bend so that they can get straight again after the storm recedes. Mentally strong people behave like the gentle trees!

“Any fool can criticize, complain, and condemn—and most fools do. But it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving.’ ― Dale Carnegie

Accepting Failure

Mentally strong people are not afraid of failure. They understand that to achieve success they have to pass through the lanes and by-lanes of failure. And failing not once but multiple times! In fact they take lessons from their failures and ensure that they are not repeating the same mistakes again. Treat every failure as an event and always tell yourself- there would be another opportunity or rather many more opportunities!

So, who’s afraid of the failures? Not You!

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.’ ― Winston S. Churchill

No Expectations

Mentally strong people don’t expect much from others. They are aware of the reality and are intelligent enough to manage alone if required. Once you start expecting from others…then you will be inviting only pain and disillusionment for yourself.

No, don’t ever expect from others because your expectations would never be met! The realities are very harsh and painful. Be prepared to accept that. Mentally strong people tread their path cautiously and never get derailed during their journey. If they get help along the way…it’s fine! Otherwise they find their own way to reach their goal. They move towards their goal with all the zeal and gusto…even if at times they have to tread it all alone.

“Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.’ 
― Alexander Pope

Never Complain

Mentally strong people never complain of their problems and discomforts. They bear the pain and ensure that they are performing their duties and delivering the results. You will see a gentle calmness on their face and in their behaviour. They will not make noise of the challenges that they face but would rather engage themselves in finding solutions. And, ultimately they do find solutions! That is what Mentally Strong people are made of! And once they are done with their job or have achieved their goal they will never brag about it. They will quietly move to their next goal or to the next obligation.

So, to become Mentally Strong, your focus should be to find solutions to the challenges you face in adverse conditions rather than making noise or getting panicked.

“Never tell your problems to anyone…20% don’t care and the other 80% are glad you have them.’ ― Lou Holtz

Life will never be easy. When you are done with one issue, two more will crop up! And the cycle will continue. What is the point in getting upset or to feel bad about it? Get your act together and ensure that you are Mentally Strong enough to tackle all the challenges that life has to throw!

And by the way, did you know that most of the sports people believe that it requires 90% mental toughness and 10% physical fitness to win the game??
