Stick to Your Goal!

Do you have clear goals?

Do you stick to your chosen goal?

It would be a pity if you don’t do so!

Many people lead a miserable life of regret with frustrated ambitions bubbling in their heart because they tamely allowed their own opinion and thoughts to be overruled and set aside from their cherished dream or desired goals.

You will hear many people say with a sad tinge in their eyes…”If only I had stuck to my decision…if I had trusted my own decision and then followed it with persistence to finish, I might have amounted to something and would have been much happier…!”

This the saddest truth of their life…their stories of ‘might have been…’.

But why it happens?

Because such people lack the power to take firm and quick decisions and then to stick to them. They feared and then wavered. Their mind was always in a flux. And hence, they could not arrive…

To achieve your goal, you need to decide quickly and effectively. It is the hallmark of a master mind! Men of unwavering decisions and whole-hearted actions are the achievers.

Say a firm NO when required and a YES with all your vigor when you are sure about yourself. If you are always in a state of dilemma or have a wavering mind, you will arrive nowhere.

All great stories happened because someone took a courageous decision


How Often Do You Write?

Let writing be your routine!

Do you write?

No, I am not talking about the great novel that you have been intending to write for many years for now but still not started off as yet!

Neither it relates to the blogs or the official reports etc.

I am talking about if you are in the habit of writing: –

Your Goals

Your Plan(s)

Your things to do

Your Failures (all time and in recent times)

Your achievements in recent times and till now

Your pain points in life…etc.

i.e., everything related to your life and what keeps on going in your mind most of the time.

It’s always better to write it down. It need not be lengthy paragraphs but can be a summarization in few bullet points.

When you write it down, you have a clear picture of what’s happening, what needs to be done on priority, what needs to be left out…so on and so forth.

It helps you to create that clear vision of how you want to navigate your life.

It has been observed that when you are going through the toughest phase of your life and are in immense pain/pressure, journaling (writing your dairy) helps you in reducing that pain/pressure to a great extent. You feel light and in control of your life and your emotions in spite of the challenges that you might be facing.

So, do you write? If not, then start it now!


Set Clear Goals!

What’s Your Key Goal?

Set yourself a clear Goal!

When you have a well-defined and a clear-cut goal to achieve combined with a burning desire to achieve it, you are already on the road to glory.

An indefinite ambition causes only destructive restlessness and discontent.

Determine your objective first!

Set yourself and a target, a clear goal. Human being is a goal seeking animal. All progress as such is the outcome of this goal seeking desire. Life will lose all its meaning and purpose when it has no goal to reach!

When you have the motive, you will gather all the energy to perform the activity that is required. A drive or motive not only will drive you towards your objective but would also act a booster. And then you move towards a stage when achieving one goal will lead to set and achieve another goal. And the process continues…

Set your goal high! Set a difficult target.

Dare to do something different, something fresh, unexpected- away from the beaten track, away from the cult of mediocrity, the cult of the common man!

Trying to reach high will keep you on your toes. At no point you should say “This is the peak”.

And lastly, if the plan doesn’t work, change the plan, not the goal


Performance Appraisal!

My periodic check list!

Have you done your Performance Appraisal?

Do you believe in regular stock taking of your life?

I believe most of us do. It’s better to do it as it helps us in ensuring that we are moving in the right direction and if any course correction is required.

And one needs to be absolutely honest with oneself while doing this self-analysis as you are both – the appraisee and the appraiser!

Some questions to ponder periodically: –

Are you putting enough Efforts?

Is there a Plan?

What is your Goal?

What is your Objective?

Are you utilizing your Time well?

And lastly…Are you merely existing or actually Living?

You need to do a deep dive and have in-depth answers to these questions.

Hope you are having a great life and wishing you more joy and prosperity.


How You Can Make Your Life Beautiful!

Life can be beautiful…give it a try! Pic Credit : Pixabay

A child fears nothing while trying something new…and enjoys the whole process and the outcome. An adult thinks ten times before attempting something new….and lives with constant fear throughout the process. Always have a child like attitude!

Two things that makes you RICH are good health and peace of mind. No matter what all you accumulate throughout your life, if you are not healthy enough to enjoy it or if it does not give you any peace, you remain POOR.

Life is like that; when you thought all is set and nothing can go wrong now…you get hit the hardest! Similarly, when you thought all is finished and see no hope…blessings happen and you hit a fortune!

When things are going on well, we all perform well. It’s only in crisis that our real potential is tested… as to how well we can perform in the adversity. Be the real performer!

We get engaged in our daily fire fighting mode, busy making stop gap arrangements, putting stuff under the carpet… and life goes on. Take a break! Think about the person you want to be and put your efforts in that direction.

Should I….?

Does ‘What if…’ bothers you?

‘What if….”

Does this thought often bother you? Are you the one who spends a lot of time thinking on “What if….” before starting anything new? Do you often think of the negative aspects even if there are no valid reasons to do so?

You will notice that all your ‘What if…” have one common element- the fear factor!

 The ‘fear of the unknown’.

What is Fear of Unknown?

Most of this fear is based out of your assumptions and not on facts. You need to make yourself free from this ‘unknown fear’. Unless and until you do that, it will be difficult for you to accomplish anything important in your life- both at personal and at professional level.

How does one achieve that state of mind? I will share something from my own life. I too had many fears in my mind as I was growing up. Moving from adolescence state to a young man and then to crossing my midlife, I was continuously faced with so many fears that many times I wondered if at all will I be leading a free and happy life devoid of all my fears? Then as I gained experience in life, I slowly started taking risks; risks of giving an attempt to all the things/activities that I had some kind of fear attached to. And I was pleasantly surprised to find that most of the fears that I associated with these things/activities were mere fears only!

In practical life, they (the fears) just don’t exist!

What is the solution?

Here is the Key; to begin with, attempt very small or not very significant fears of yours and keep repeating the action (your attempt) accumulating the small victories. After a point, you will have the confidence and the mental strength to attack your bigger fears. And slowly you will achieve bigger victories. You will be ready to take calculated risks in your life and will make significant progress.

And you know what? The biggest lesson for me in all this was:

People give a damn about you!

So, the biggest worry that we have in our mind ‘what will people say’ is so irrelevant and exasperating.

And remember: On the other side of your FEAR…. lies your SUCCESS!